Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes

Logic Pro X 10.2.4 includes the following changes.

  1. Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Template
  2. Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Pdf
Stability / Reliability

Press the checkmark again to begin the upgrade. It should take about 2 minutes to complete. Main Panel firmware to R3.2.0: 1. Make sure that the USB stick is still installed in your Hayward OmniLogic controller. While still in Service Mode, Navigate to the “Upgrade” icon and select it. Release date: 2018-03-01 This release contains a variety of fixes from 10.2. For information about new features in major release 10, see Section E.16. COMOS COMOS 10.3.2 Release Notes Operating Manual 07/2019 V10.3.2 Notes and license information 1 New functions 2 Corrected errors or changed behavior 3 Discontinuations 4 Known Issues 5. Release Notes ( 9324-RLDx ) Studio 5000 programming software. All you need for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety etc. Version 30.01.01 (released 12/2017) Catalog Number Studio.

Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Template

Logic Pro X no longer quits unexpectedly:
  • Sometimes when opening or creating a project.
  • Sometimes when picking an icon for a Drum Machine Designer cell.
  • When rubber band selecting a group of notes in the Piano Roll immediately after changing screen sets.
  • When initializing a connected Mackie HUI control surface.
  • When the currently active audio device is disconnected and then reconnected.
  • When selecting Import Audio from an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu.
  • When using an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu to import audio on a system that includes a mounted volume whose name begins with a Unicode 2-byte character.
  • When a file with a name containing 2-byte characters is dragged onto the Current or Reference button of the Match EQ plug-in.


  • Opening the extended parameters of Retro Synth in OS X Yosemite no longer sometimes triggers an Internal Error alert.
  • There is no longer a glitch at the beginning of a skip cycle area when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled.
  • Quantizing notes on a Software Instrument track during playback no longer sometimes causes audio dropouts.
  • Stepping through Alchemy presets no longer causes the memory usage of Logic Pro to rise unexpectedly.
  • Alchemy no longer causes Logic Pro memory usage to rise unexpectedly when stepping though samples using the source left/right buttons.


  • It is once again possible to Shift-click to select non-contiguous notes in the Piano Roll editor.
  • Pressing Option-Shift while adjusting the Piano Roll Velocity slider again sets all notes to the same velocity as expected.
  • It is once again possible to use the pointer to rubber-band select MIDI Draw points that were created with a MIDI channel setting of All.
  • It is no longer possible to inadvertently set the length of a note to 0 ticks in the Event Editor or the Step Editor.


  • Addresses a rare automation related issue that could cause a bypassed Send on a muted Channel Strip to remain active.
  • Duplicating a track now reliably duplicates all plug-in parameter values.
  • Clicking Cancel in the dialog shown when deleting an Aux in the mixer that is assigned to a track no longer deletes the Aux.
  • Solo now works on channels routed to mono outputs higher than Output 1 or 2.
  • Soloing a channel strip routed to a mono output no longer unexpectedly mutes the right output.
  • Soloing an output above 1—2 now mutes Output 1—2 as expected.
  • Duplicating a track now also duplicates its track notes.


  • VoiceOver again properly announces selected regions.


  • Audio is now routed properly from Audio Unit-based multi-output instruments in projects saved in previous versions of Logic Pro X.
  • When importing drum kits into Ultrabeat, the Import Kit name is again properly displayed.
  • Instances of the Tremolo plug-in with a rate set to a Hz value are no longer reset to 32 bars when the project is loaded.


Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Pdf

  • Joining audio regions when Low Latency mode is enabled no longer sometimes leads to the new region being shifted to an incorrect position.
  • If the Toolbar Replace button is activated while the Project Settings > Recording window is open, all the Overlapping Recordings settings now switch from Toggle to Replace.
  • Autopunch recording on MIDI tracks now behaves as expected when Record > Overlapping MIDI Recordings > Replace is enabled.
  • Manually punching in and out in Replace mode now works properly with MIDI regions.
  • When recording MIDI in Replace mode with Cycle enabled, playing MIDI before the start of the Cycle no longer causes the measure before the Cycle start to be replaced.
  • Dragging an Apple Loops file into a track with a custom name no longer renames the track.
  • It is once again possible to assign a custom key command to the Discard Last Recording and Return to Last Play Position command.
  • Editing notes in the mixer notepad no longer sometimes causes custom fonts to reset, or text to be unexpectedly duplicated.
  • Text pasted into an existing note now properly takes on the color of the existing text, and doesn’t cause the existing text to change to the default color.
  • It is once again possible to rename files and regions in the Project File browser using a key command. The key command is now assignable and is called “Rename.”
  • It is once again possible to enter text into the patch name cell within the Multi-Instrument object in the Environment window.
  • It is once again possible to extend the selection of an audio file beyond the current visible area in Impulse Response Utility.